In male-female sexual encounters, blowjobs are typically expected while cunnilingus is one of the least performed sex acts. This disparity has been called The Oral Sex Gap and you might be surprised to learn that it’s not just guys who are saying no to cunnilingus.
Many women are concerned that their ladyparts are unattractive or some feel too vulnerable to enjoy receiving oral sex. Plus, thanks to decades of advertising created specifically to make women feel inadequate and unhygenic, many of us, especially those walking along the beach, arm in arm with our moms, just don’t feel “summer fresh” down there.
Whatever the reason, far too many women are saying no to oral sex when they really want to say yes, yes, YESSSSS!
On this episode I speak with Melanie Cristol, the founder and CEO of Lorals, single use latex lingerie designed for carefree oral sex. Melanie founded the company after she decided that using a dental dam is the least sexy part of having sex and there had to be a better solution out there.
Later in the episode, I enlist the services of a married couple who try Lorals and give me their thorough and unbiased review. Even they were a little surprised by the product.
If you’d like to purchase Lorals, go to https://mylorals.com/ and use the special code YAYWENDY for 15% off your first order.
If you’re going to let something get in between you and oral sex, let it be Lorals.
[Images: courtesy of Lorals]
Lorals Founder and CEO Melanie Cristol