/ˈfan(t)əsē/ noun
Imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained. Often impossible or improbable.
It’s a fact. We all have fantasies. From scoring the game-winning touchdown, to winning an Academy Award, to destroying the drum kit in your next door neighbor’s garage with a sledge hammer.
I’m speaking hypothetically, of course.
Fantasies are a healthy and normal part of the human experience.
Within the vast array of fantasies, you’ll also find Sexual Fantasies. Their main purpose is to turn us on. But what happens if one of them actually comes true? They say you should never meet your heroes because there’s a good chance they won’t possibly live up to your expectations. I get that.
Is it the same for sexual fantasies? Are they better kept in the imagination? What if you had the chance to make your biggest sexual fantasy come true in a perfectly safe and consensual way? A sexual fantasy you’ve been dreaming about as long as you can remember.
Would you do it?
My guest this week was given the opportunity to make her biggest sexual fantasy come true. Instead of overthinking or being fearful that it or even she might not live up to her expectations, she simply said, “Let’s do this!”
That split-second decision changed her entire life.
You’re about to meet a woman who emailed me and said she got the chance to live out her life-long sexual fantasy. She wanted to share her story with me on my podcast. After I determined this was an actual person, and a very funny and charming one at that, I was all in.
“Let’s do this!”
This has to be one of my favorite interviews of all time. And within all of the life-changing lessons she learned in this one fateful night, there’s a lot of takeaway:
Why is authenticity the ultimate aphrodisiac?
What’s the one trait all happy couples share?
Why did someone bring nachos to a sex party?