Based on the huge response, something really resonated with with my first Under Covers episode.
I wanted to have a series of conversations featuring women of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations answering the same questions about their sex lives because I believed their answers would normalize what so many of us may be feeling and maybe also unite us as well. Even though we may be different, we share so much shame, misinformation, judgment and trauma when it comes to sex. My goal is for us to find healing and community by sharing our stories with each other.
So, I’m going to keep this brief.
In this second Under Covers conversation, I speak with a woman I’ve named Patti. That’s not her real name.
All you need to know in advance is that Patti is 56, married and identifies as bisexual.
That’s where all similarities end…or begin.
The two books mentioned about opening up a marriage and establishing new rules for ethical non-monogamy are:
Opening Up: A Guide To Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships
The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love
In addition, there are two specific products mentioned in this episode. One of them is a cannabis lube created by a company called Foria. If you are in a legal cannabis state and interested in purchasing the product, you can find out more at https://foriapleasure.com/products/foria-pleasure
Foria does not sponsor this show and I receive no compensation from them despite the fact that I clearly love and recommend their product. But you can find out more about Foria THC lube on their website. Hopefully it will bring you pleasure.
The other product mentioned is a sex wedge. I personally love the company Liberator, which manufactures all of their products in Atlanta. They also don’t sponsor my show (YET) but below is an Amazon affiliate link for a Liberator product that I personally own, use and love. If you purchase an item from an Amazon link, I’m eligible for something like 9 cents. So please buy 85,000 Liberator Wedge Ramp Combos, cause this podcast is expensive to produce.
Thank you.
The Liberator Wedge Ramp Combo is the perfect combination of support and comfort. Teaming up these two expertly-crafted positioning shapes will revolutionize how you experience a variety of new positions and pleasure. The ergonomic design and flexible versatility will give you more sensitivity and greater stamina for longer sessions that will yield incredible results. Original Size measurements: Ramp is 34"L x 24"W x 12"H. Wedge is 14"L x 24"W x 7"H. Proudly Made in U.S.A.