When I started working at Playboy TV, people began to ask me how I was going to "explain my job" to my daughter. Strangely, I was never asked that question about any of the places I worked.

When I started working at Playboy TV, people began to ask me how I was going to “explain my job” to my daughter. Strangely, I was never asked that question about any of the other places I worked. But once I became Head of Programming at Playboy TV, I was repeatedly asked how I was going to justify my job to a 4 year old.

Turns out, my kid didn’t have a problem. On the other hand, there were one or two, very judgmental moms at her fancy private school who, after finding out where I worked, tried to make things extremely difficult for me. And the most famous mom of all, was my biggest hater.

No matter where you go, there are always mean girls.

My guest, Ray Richmond, had a much different experience. His mother went from giving hand jobs in a seedy, L.A. massage parlor, to founding a lucrative, Sex Product empire. Her X-Rated enterprise was entirely bankrolled by her boyfriend — a well-known L.A. restaurateur who also happened to be a married, devout Christian, anti-smut crusader.

Wait, what???

And THAT’S not even the craziest part.

This is a story about religious faith, true love, and lubrication.

You are not going to believe this.

More About Ray Richmond

Clifford Clinton Bio

Clifton’s Cafeteria

Dealing With Mean Moms

Pink Cheeks for Waxing, Anal Bleaching and Waffle Mix

Cover illustration courtesy of Pixabay

CORRECTION: Clifford Clinton was not depicted in the film, L.A. Confidential. He was depicted in the book, L.A. Noir.

Terri Richmond (center) with Nelda and Clifford Clinton on vacation. Photo courtesy of Ray Richmond

Terri Richmond (center) with Nelda and Clifford Clinton on vacation. Photo courtesy of Ray Richmond

Clifton’s Cafeteria photo courtesy of Creative Commons Downtowngal

Clifton’s Cafeteria photo courtesy of Creative Commons Downtowngal

Product Promotions catalog page photo courtesy of Ray Richmond

Product Promotions catalog page photo courtesy of Ray Richmond

Product Promotions catalog page photo courtesy of Ray Richmond

Product Promotions catalog page photo courtesy of Ray Richmond