Throughout the first season of this podcast, I’ve featured all sorts of hilarious Screw Confessions. Perhaps you recall…
The woman who had sex in a car that turned out to be parked in front of a police station.
The woman who, in the throes of passion tore a headboard off of the wall and peed on her partner.
One woman’s plan to spend an afternoon masturbating that was rudely interrupted by the New York City Fire Department.
This episode features a very special Celebrity Screw Confession courtesy of the hilarious Kate Quigley. Out of respect for the world-famous supermodel in this story, we won’t be revealing his name. Kate has told this story on stage several times which is why we’re okay with revealing her as the storyteller.
And, if YOU have a Screw Confession you’d like to share with us — ANONYMOUSLY — please email me. I’d love to feature your hilarious sex fail in an upcoming episode.
Also, I spend a lot of time in this episode extolling the virtues of a vaginal moisturizer product called Revaree. In Episode 14, I interviewed OB/GYN to the stars and famed vagina whisperer, Dr. Sherry Ross. She absolutely RAVED about Revaree for women of a certain age. I recently started using it and, she’s right, it’s a game changer.
Just know that the opinions expressed on this show are my own. I am not a paid spokesperson for this product and Revaree does not sponsor this show.
(Call me, Revaree!)
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